Aside for Widgets

Sidebar Widgets are a main feature of any Magazine Blogging site. To aid with that Dispatch uses a nifty little plugin and a couple of custom CSS classes to make styling your sidebar a breeze.

Widget CSS Classes

Using the namesake plugin you can now add CSS Classes to Widgets. Simple.

Dispatch Widget Classes

CSS Class: zero-padding
Removes the padding from the widget. Perfect for adding those banner ads for maximum space.

CSS Class: no-background
Removes the widget color background that is set in the Customizer.

CSS Class: wpsp-card
Used exclusively with the WP Show Posts Widget and with zero-padding and no-background.
Read more here

Adding your own classes

Want different color background for your widgets. Heres how to. Add you Custom Class Name to your widget. In this example we’ll go for a red color and name our class red-background. Now thats added lets add some CSS. {
    background-color: #ff0000;

Dani Keral

Redactor y fotógrafo en revistas Yorokobu , Revista Salvaje y Condé Nast Traveler ◆ Ganador en 2023 del I Premio Nacional de Periodismo en el Medio Rural Ainhoa Camino ◆ Finalista, en 2022, del XXXV Premio de Periodismo Turístico Mañé i Flaquer ◆ Premio Internacional de Comunicación Turística 2017 al mejor blog revelación de viajes ◆ Creador del podcast El Vuelo Sonoro de Radio Viajera ◆ Más info en mi perfil de LinkedIn

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